
Watusi cattle come from an ancient breed that originated in East Africa. Their large horns are set wide apart and have the largest circumference found in any cattle breed. Their sleek and slender build and agile movements make them graceful and elegant animals. Typically solid reddish-brown, some have white spots or specks on their coat. They possess a remarkable set of traits that enable them to thrive in harsh environments, making them a resilient and adaptable breed. Despite their majestic appearance, Watusi have a reputation for being friendly and playful. They exhibit curiosity and often interact gently with humans.

Did you know…watusi horns continue to grow their entire life and can be up to 30 inches round. The horns are mostly hollow but have blood vessels circulating through them that disperse heat, helping them keep cool in hot weather.

Size: 9-1/2 feet length
Weight: 900 - 1600 lbs
Lifespan: 20 - 26 years

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