Nilgai are the largest Asian antelope and are indigenous to the Indian subcontinent. One of the oldest species of antelope in the world, these large, imposing mammals are known for their agility and speed. They can run at speeds up to 31 mph. Only males (bulls) have horns and a bluish-gray coat. Females and juveniles are orange to tawny in color. These antelope exhibit strong social bonds and surprisingly complex behaviors such as territorial marking and protecting young calves from predators. They provide natural pest control services by eating large amounts of crop-destroying insects while grazing.
Did you know...nilgai is the Hindustani word for "blue cow," which describes the blue-gray of adult bulls. Hindus accord nilgai the same sacred status as cattle.
Size: 47 - 59 inches height at shoulder
Weight: 264 - 485 lbs
Lifespan: 12 - 15 years