
The emu is a species of flightless bird. It’s the largest bird that is native to Australia and the second largest living bird after the ostrich. Emus have tiny wings, short downy feathers on their heads and soft, long, brown feathers on their plumage which give them a shaggy appearance. Females are larger. Emus are quite vocal. Noises include loud booming, grunting, and a deep-throated drumming sound that can be heard more than a mile away. They usually travel in pairs and are fearless of humans.

Did you know…male emus incubate the eggs and raise the chicks. They make the nest and tend to the eggs (called a clutch) rarely eating for 8 weeks. Once hatched, the male stays with the chicks for 18 months protecting them and teaching them to hunt for food.

Size: 6 1/2 fee height
Weight: 66 - 120 lbs
Lifespan: 10 -25 years

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